If Instagram has been your go-to platform since you started your business (and you’re handling everything by yourself), it can feel intimidating to think about expanding beyond those squares. But true marketing (and business) success is difficult to achieve without a multichannel presence – you don’t want to put all of your eggs in one basket! However, you don’t have to be on EVERY platform. Read this post to learn how to create an effective content funnel for interior designers (that won’t completely take over your to-do list.
Step One of A Content Funnel for Interior Designers: Your Visibility/Search Platform
Instagram can be this platform – but in my experience, I don’t recommend it (you’ll hear why in the next section). The best channel for visibility for interior designers is Pinterest. It’s not only a visual platform, but a search engine. There is an algorithm to contend with, but it’s even easier to wrangle than Instagram’s (and tbh, I don’t even hate Instagram’s algorithm). It is powerful at getting you discovered and driving traffic to your website and to your other social media channels.
What type of content should you be pinning?
Because Pinterest is highly visual, your projects are a great place to start. In addition to the visuals, don’t forget to harness the power of SEO for Pinterest. Focusing on specific keywords (for example, “California Interior Designer” if that is your location) and adding text to your visuals to further aid in your searchability.
What do I pin to?
You can pin to Instagram posts – but you don’t want to stop there. Prioritize pinning to your website, and specifically fresh URLs. Pinterest considers the health & activity of your website, as well as how relevant the content is, when deciding which posts to push further. Publishing regular blogs – between 2 to 4 a month is the gold standard – will boost your results on Pinterest.
Wondering why Pinterest is such a powerful tool for interior designers? Here are 5 reasons to start pinning.
How often should you pin?
Aim for 1 pin a day (30/month), and avoid pinning to the same URL more than twice a week to show Pinterest fresh URLs. The amazing thing about Pinterest is that there is NO engagement/best posting times, so you can set this and forget it.
The Next Step: Your Nurture Platform
THIS is where Instagram becomes powerful: when you use it to nurture your audience. Content is important here (of course show off your gorgeous projects), but it’s also critical that you engage. Prioritize building relationships, not only to help you in the eyes of the algorithm but also to nurture potential clients.
How often should you post?
For busy interior designers keeping up with their business AND social media needs, aim for 3-4 posts a week. Show up on stories as much as you can – the more behind the scenes you can show, the better!
Finally: Your Platform That You OWN
No matter which social media platform you’re showing up on, you don’t technically OWN that audience. One way to own your audience is to drive traffic to an email list (more on that in a second), but the most important place to own for an interior designer is your website.
Through both Pinterest and Instagram, drive people to your website where they can see your projects in depth (which is where those blogs come in!). Ensure you have an easy-to-navigate, responsive site where a visitor can easily find what they’re looking for. Most of all, make it easy to learn about your services and get in touch with you!
Further nurturing through an email list
You also have the option to build up your email list as another audience you “own”. Get subscribers to sign up from all of the above channels – Pinterest, Instagram, and your website. The easiest way to attract more subscribers? Develop an easy lead magnet where you trade some free information for their email address.
What should my lead magnet be?
What questions come up frequently on your sales calls? What struggles do you find your potential clients relating to? What do you wish they knew before working with you? Create something that addresses these pain points in an easy to consume format – like a PDF or checklist, for example.
How often should I send an email?
This depends on your capacity. I recommend a monthly newsletter, biweekly or weekly if you have both the content to sustain that frequency and the capacity to send.
How A Social Media Content Funnel for Interior Designers Impacts Your Business
In this day and age – EVEN if you have a strong referral system – marketing yourself online is a non-negotiable. With this easy-to-follow three-prong content funnel, you can hit your visibility and nurturing goals and drive more traffic to your site – ultimately resulting in more clients.
Want more where that came from?
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