Listen – we all make mistakes. Just this week, I sent my newsletter a day early because I was too trigger happy 🙃 But you are making some mistakes with your social media marketing strategy that you can easily fix. Let me show you how!
(Want to avoid some Instagram-specific mistakes? Check out my earlier blog post on 5 Instagram mistakes to stop making 📲)
What are some common social media marketing mistakes?
Before we dive into the mistakes I’m seeing, let’s cover some common errors you’ll see pop up when you google “what not to do on social.” From not having a social media marketing plan (duh 🥴) to not tracking analytics, these mistakes are absolutely ones you should avoid – but you probably already knew that. These mistakes are common problems, but not commonly addressed.
The 5 social media marketing mistakes I’m seeing you make
Mistake #1: You’re not making it easy for people to figure out who you are and what you do.

From a searchable name field, to whether or not you have an inquiry form linked in your bio, to your highlights + pinned posts – it should be BEYOND easy for a potential client to find out more information and get in touch with you. If it’s not, you’re missing out on potential clients (and $$$). Provide potential clients with a path of least resistance to working with you.
Mistake #2: You’re too focused on numbers and are missing out on what makes Instagram so powerful.
Ok so this mistake is Instagram-specific, but it applies to other social media platforms as well. When you get too bogged down in the numbers, you overlook what is so powerful about social media: the community and the way it lets you nurture those connections. One conversation can mean so much more than 10,000 followers.
Mistake #3: You’re scrolling passively rather than actively building your community.
If you feel like you’re spending all your time on social media but not getting anywhere – ask yourself if you’re taking an active role as you scroll. One of the most common realizations I see clients and friends have when we chat about their social media strategy is that while they might be spending hours on social, they aren’t taking actions that will grow their account and business. Be intentional with your time. Track your conversations and content analytics. Not only will you get more done in less time (and avoid getting sucked into an hours-long reels “research” binge), but you’ll also see more results on your platform.
Mistake #4: You see one social media platform as the end-all be-all for your business rather than one piece of your marketing puzzle.
No successful business places all their eggs in one basket, and it’s no different when it comes to social media. If you rely on only Instagram, or only TikTok, or only your email, you’re *very* likely missing out on clients and connections.
But don’t stress – I’m not telling you to show up on EVERY platform. Unless you have a team, that’s not realistic. I recommend having between 2-3 platforms that fit the following categories:
- a platform that makes you discoverable, such as Pinterest, TikTok, or a blog if you have killer SEO
- a platform to nurture your community, like Instagram or an email list
- a platform to repurpose content to and/or create in a long-form manner, like a blog or podcast
You can’t expect one platform to do it ALL for you. It also puts you at risk if one platform or site glitches (or bans you – it happens more often than we’d like to think, and for incredibly silly reasons). Without getting overwhelmed, create an organic marketing strategy that allows you to show up in more than one place.
Mistake #5: You expect too much from short flashes of effort.
I have BEEN there – you get super motivated, create a week of content and show up daily, but then life happens and you haven’t posted in a month, and potential clients are wondering if you’re still in business. Consistent effort wins out over short flashes. Consider how much content you can reasonably create – and sustain – and stick to that plan. Showing up for months and years is what will create the momentum you need to see success.
Want more where that came from?
Check out these related blog posts:
And don’t forget to sign up for my weekly newsletter, where every Tuesday you’ll get 3 content ideas, 2 trending audios, and 1 social media resource for further learning.

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