You’ve decided: 2025 is the year you finally figure out how to use social media for your interior design business, build your following, and bring in fresh leads for dream projects. Except… you don’t have a clue where to start, and you know continuing to post just twice a week on Instagram isn’t going to cut it. Luckily, you’re in the right place! Consider this your guide to social media marketing for interior designers in 2025.
Building Your Plan for Social Media Marketing
Together, we’re going to come up with your action plan for social media marketing in 2025. But first, you need to be clear on your business plan for the year. Without knowing where you’re going and what you want your business to look like, you can’t create a marketing plan.
Business Goals
Where do you see your business going in 2025? Will it be your first year as a full-time designer? Are you growing a team and scaling? Is there a personal matter – perhaps a move, or going back to school, or starting a family – that you’ll need to take into consideration? Do you want to double down on your full-service projects or do you want to expand into multiple revenue streams? These questions and more will help shape your social media strategy.
What is the future outlook for interior designers?
You might be wondering, what does the interior design industry look like in 2025? The American Society of Interior Designers released their report on the economic outlook and you can expect to see continued, steady growth (one interesting area of note they predict will be up is commercial construction, if that’s in your niche!). This is not the time to shy away from your marketing.
Will AI Replace interior designers?
In short – no. AI is not coming for your job; But it can help you do your job more efficiently and deliver a stronger client experience, allowing you to focus on the interior design work that only a human eye can do. And if a client wants their home designed by AI, they probably aren’t the right client for you (just like if a client expects social media management to be cheap because “chatGPT can write it all”, they aren’t the right fit for us!)

Key Strategies to Use in your Social Media Marketing for Interior Designers
Before we dive into platform specifics, let’s cover the general social media marketing strategies you need to be aware of as an interior designer that apply no matter whether you’re posting on Instagram or Pinterest or TikTok:
As an interior designer, how your content looks matters. Investing in professional photography of your projects not only ensures you have the content to show it off, but also highlights your work in the best light.
When it comes to visuals, you also need to be planning your grid well. No it doesn’t have to be a checkerboard or have every row perfectly align, but the overall flow and look of your feed matters to potential clients (P.S. Not sure how to plan out your grid? Grab my free IG Preview template in Canva – no email required)
Use interactive features to build community on social media
Especially on platforms like Instagram, remember that your social media is not meant to be a stage where you monologue at your followers. Think of it more as a living room or coffee shop where you can talk and connect – your goal is to get people to trust you so they think of you first when they have a design project. Features like polls, quizzes, question boxes, and lives (yes, they’re still a thing in 2025!) will help break down that “fourth wall.”
Behind the Scenes Content
Many interior designers have a tendency to only share the finished project. And while that big reveal moment is important, don’t forget to bring your followers along for the whole journey! From design presentations to site visits to construction updates to install, get them excited for the day you unveil it by showcasing each step along the way.
Build trust with client reviews & testimonials
Finally, the most important type of content to be sharing after project spotlights is reactions and reviews from your clients. It’s not enough to just show your work; You also need to be building credibility by showing how your clients felt about it. The more reviews you can showcase the better (especially if they’re collected by an external source like Google where you’re not potentially altering the content by collecting it yourself and choosing what to share)
Which Social Media Platforms Should I be on as an Interior Designer?
Not every one, that’s for sure! My two go-to platform recommendations for interior designers are Instagram and Pinterest. Pair these with a blog on your website and you are golden (want to go the extra mile? Throw in email too and you truly have the marketing holy grail).

(P.S. We can handle all four of those things for you if you don’t want to add another thing to your to-do list next year. Check out our services here and inquire)
What about ads?
I used to be adamant: Unless you have a proven offer (meaning clients coming in organically, paying your prices happily and you’re booked) you aren’t yet ready for ads.
I still believe that’s mostly true – but if you are prepared to set aside some extra cash to put into paid content, boosting your posts on Instagram and Pinterest (to the tune of $5/day) can help make your organic content go further and It still won’t lead to bottom-of-funnel conversions if something else about your business isn’t set up for success, but if you want more visibility faster, I recommend exploring ads in your strategy.
Options Other Than Social (And/Or Getting Offline ) For Marketing
It’s true – you don’t only have to market your business on social media. In fact, you could choose not to use social media at all! (I don’t recommend that but it’s an option!) Here are 9 alternative strategies to marketing that don’t require Instagram or Pinterest.
Should you outsource?
To be, or not to be? That is the question (wait that’s Hamlet)
The question you’re probably asking yourself is “Should 2025 be the year I stop having to think about what to post on Instagram and find a social media manager?
And my answer is simply not one-size-fits-all, because it depends on so many factors in your business: Your revenue, your goals, whether or not outsourcing will help you meet those goals or if there’s a deeper problem to fix before hiring…
So before you post that ISO in a facebook group or on Threads, here are
- 3 things I want you to consider
- the ROI you can expect from social media management
- everything you wanted to know (but never asked) about social media management
- and what you need before hiring a social media manager
AKA, your comprehensive guide to making sure social media management is the right move for your business!
Feel ready to take the leap?
We love to hear it! ABC Social Media Management offers Instagram and Pinterest management services for interior designers ready to buy their time back and see their social media grow effortlessly. We also offer our SMM on Speed Dial membership with unlimited access to content reviews, a monthly q+a call and content planning if you’d rather stay more involved with your marketing but still need support to reduce the overwhelm around it. Fill out our inquiry form and we’ll be in touch if you’re a good fit!
A final reminder on Social Media Marketing for Interior Designers in 2025
Looking ahead to the new year is always an exciting time. You’re making big plans, feeling energized, ready to make things happen. But don’t forget: A lot of social media marketing is learning to roll with the punches. Things change, platforms come and go, but one thing stays the same: Showing up and sticking with it will always win in the end.
I’ll be here, cheering ya on!

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