The first step to working with me (and most social media managers) is to get on a discovery call. But if you’ve held off on booking this free introduction call because you don’t know what it means, or you’re worried it signals a commitment to social media management (don’t worry, it doesn’t!), this post is for you. I’m going to break down
- exactly what a discovery call involves
- what you can expect
- and how to know if it’s the right time for you to book one
Ready? Let’s get into it!
First things first: a discovery call does not equal obligation.
If you’ve been hesitant to book a discovery call because you’re worried you’re going to get pressured into an investment you’re not ready for, let me be the first one to dispel that notion. This is a common practice in the online space, and I find it icky. It is not how I treat my community and potential clients. Getting on a call does not mean you are necessarily ready for social media management. It also doesn’t mean that I’m the right fit for your business. It’s about exploring where your business is at and if we are a good fit for each other.
Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s talk about what happens on a call!
Pre-Call: What You Have to Do Before
Before getting on a discovery call, I have all potential clients fill out my intake form. This form, while a little lengthy, is important for both of us. It encourages you to think about your business and goals. Your answers also allow me to get to know a bit about you before we jump on a call. Since we only have 30 minutes, I want to be sure to maximize our conversation.
The Process of a Discovery Call
Once we’re on the call, here’s how things will go.
Intros and an Overview of Your Business
I’ll open up the call by asking you to tell me about yourself. I’ll also ask about your business and your goals for social media marketing. While this might feel a bit repetitive from your intake form, I want to go over what you shared with me prior to the call and give you the chance to talk freely.
An Overview of My Services
If social media management sounds like it is the right choice for your needs, I’ll walk you through your options and explain which one suits your business and goals. (P.S. If you’re curious about my packages and want to browse before getting on a call, you can view them here!)
Prerequisites for Social Media Management
At this point I explain what you need to have in place before starting to work with me. It’s so important that my clients have undergone professional branding, have a clear grasp of their target audience, and possess photography & videography for me to use. If you don’t have these things checked off, I can’t deliver the results that I am committed to.
Now, if you’re missing one of those things, that doesn’t mean we can’t work together. It just means it isn’t the right time yet – and I would love to check back in once you have those foundations in place to work together!
How I Work + If It’s a Good Fit
If you still think it’s a good fit (which I hope it is!), I’ll jump into the nitty gritty of what it’s like to work with me. I want you to be fully equipped with all the knowledge you need to make the best decision for your business. This section primarily covers my boundaries, which include:
- My communication policies – I do not provide my cell phone number to clients, and all communication takes place in our private Slack channel or over email
- My content creation & approval processes – I have a weekly workflow with deadlines for both myself and my clients
- What I am and am not responsible for (namely, that while I am responsible for your social media marketing and content, I am not responsible for your sales or overall business success)
If you want more information about what my boundaries are and why they’re so important to the work we do together, you can browse them here.
Next Steps After the Discovery Call
Finally, I’ll wrap up with what next steps will look like. While I LOVE to hear clients give a verbal yes on the call, it is not necessary. I want you to take the time to decide if this is the right move for you and your business! Shortly after our call, you’ll receive a customized proposal with all the information on your proposed package and investment. This proposal will be live for seven days to give you the time to make your decision. In the same email, you’ll see when my next available start date is, which is when your onboarding process (explained in detail in this post) will kick off!
Does a Discovery Call Include Coaching?
Contrary to a common belief in the online space, a discovery call is not a time for free coaching or strategy! During our quick chat I will gather information to decide if I’m the right fit for your business (and I expect you to do the same). I will not be looking at your current Instagram strategy or content, or answering in-depth strategic questions. If you are looking for strategy support, I encourage you to book a strategy session where we can do this work together.
A Note: Please Show Up!
One final note about discovery calls: PLEASE please show up! While I understand emergencies happen, no-showing discovery calls without a reason (and ignoring follow up emails) is lowkey rude 🥴 If you can’t make the call anymore, or you’ve found what you’re looking for, just let me know! I don’t take offense and appreciate you respecting my time by letting me know to take you off my calendar.
Have any more questions about discovery calls? Thinking about booking one? Let me know what else you want to hear about in the comments!
Want more where this came from?
Check out these related blog posts:
- The ABC SMM Onboarding Process
- The ROI of a Social Media Manager, Explained
- Are You Ready for a Social Media Manager?
And don’t forget to sign up for my weekly newsletter, where every Tuesday you’ll get 3 content ideas, 2 trending audios, and 1 social media resource for further learning.

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