“Decide your content pillars” might be one of the most frequently-thrown-around pieces of Instagram advice. But too often, that advice isn’t followed up with HOW to decide those all-important content pillars. So in today’s post, I’m sharing what content pillars actually are (and what they aren’t) and how to decide yours.
What Content Pillars are NOT
Let’s get some clarifications out of the way, shall we? I’m sorry to say but you have been misled by social media “experts”. Content pillars are NOT “educate, entertain, and inspire”. Those are content goals – which are also important to your strategy – but they aren’t the same thing.
Content pillars also aren’t the singular key to success in your social media strategy. They’re one part of your plan. But they won’t make or break you!
Why do so many people get this concept wrong?
I see two main issues when businesses try to decide their pillars. They either are confused between content goals vs. content pillars (and it’s hard not to be, when so many experts blur the two as well!) or they are too specific with their pillars.
What Content Pillars ARE
Now let’s dive into what you’re actually here for!
Content pillars are, as Later defines them, 3 to 5 topics your brand will consistently discuss, amplify, and create content for on social media. For example, as an interior designer, your content pillars could be
- client projects
- insights into the interior design process & industry commentary
- client reactions & reviews
- your story + personal content
Another way to think of your pillars is as buckets. Within these buckets, there is a lot of post topics you could come up with. For example, when it comes to insights into the interior design process, you could share
- your thoughts on a recent industry announcement or development
- the steps of your process
- why you don’t share sources
- how hiring an interior designer saves you time
And so much more! By breaking your content up into these 3-5 main topics, you’ll make your content planning process a breeze. It’s SO much easier to come up with content from a focused area rather than just asking yourself “what should I post?”
Can you deviate from your pillars?
From time to time, there might be a reason to post something that doesn’t fit neatly into a content pillar – perhaps a cause that’s near and dear to your heart or a tech recommendation. But in general, I recommend sticking to your content pillars for consistency and cohesiveness in your social strategy.
So how do I use educate, entertain and inspire?
You don’t have to throw this well-known framework in the bin! Instead, when sitting down to plan out content ideas, consider which goal your topic suits.
Let’s take “Client Projects.” For this pillar, you might break down the goals this way:
- Educate: Share the investment that went into a client’s kitchen remodel so potential clients know what it takes to achieve that result
- Entertain: Share a behind-the-scenes goof or funny moment
- Inspire: use photos of completed projects to inspire potential clients with what their homes could be come
What should yours be?
Now it’s time for you to decide your 3-5 buckets! Take a moment and think about the 3-5 topics you want to talk about regularly in your marketing.
Want more where that came from?
Check out these related blog posts:
- Plan a Month of IG Content
- Stop Selling On Instagram (Before You Read This)
- Realistic Expectations for Instagram
And don’t forget to sign up for my weekly newsletter, where every Tuesday you’ll get 3 content ideas, 2 trending audios, and 1 social media resource for further learning.

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