Are you using Instagram stories to their full potential? In a recent blog post I shared 10 Instagram post ideas for interior designers. But while feed content is great for building a portfolio and giving new followers something to binge, stories are truly where it’s at for building relationships with your community. Instagram stories – and the responses to them – are always where I see the most conversions. So in today’s blog post, I’m sharing 10 story ideas for interior designers!
Why Stories Are So Powerful
Stories are a fantastic tool for connecting with your followers beyond the likes + comments, and in turn leading to more conversions. Why?
Because stories allow your followers insight into your life and personality in a way feed posts often don’t – if you do them right.
For more on the science behind why Instagram stories are so effective, check out this article. But now, let’s give you those story ideas!
10 Story Ideas for Interior Designers
1 – An Overview of your Services
What offerings do you have on your menu? From your design consults to full-service projects, share a series of stories explaining how people can work with you. This is also a great story to use to invite people to submit an inquiry form or email you about starting a project.
P.S. Make sure to save this as a highlight so anyone new to your page can find this info!
2 – What is the design process like?
The stories I convert the highest from are not the stories where I talk about what my services include (although those are important to provide baseline information). I get the most interest when I show my viewers what it’s actually like to work with me. So walk your audience through what it’s like to execute a design project from start to finish (with photos/videos to demonstrate).
3 – A Day in the Life
People are naturally nosy! Take your audience along with you on a typical day at work and show them what you get up.
4 – Poll your audience on their design preferences
This is a fun way to get some market research, and also get your audience interacting with your stories (which in turn builds a relationship between your accounts in the eyes of the algorithm, and makes it more likely they’ll continue to see your stories.)
5 – What are 3 things you wish clients knew before working with you?
Share these to help your audience gauge if they’re ready to work with you, and to help separate out ideal clients from ones who maybe aren’t the right fit.
6 – Provide a quick story training on something that would help design diy-ers or potential clients.
Story trainings are an amazing way to show off your personality and help people put a face and voice to the account they follow! Pick something that your ideal client (perhaps 2-3 stages before they’re ready to work with you) would really benefit from learning about, whether that’s picking the right paint color or sorting through furniture selections.
7 – Show off some recent client reactions/love on their projects
Another set of story ideas for interior designers that is practically guaranteed to generate interest? Sharing client reactions or testimonials! In addition to seeing how you work, potential clients want to know that you’ve delivered amazing results for people in the past. This content, frequently referred to as social proof, helps build trust and make those watching say “I want that for myself!”
8 – Do a series of before and afters
Share your hard work and let your story viewers ooh and ahh over the transformations! #TransformationTuesday is a great opportunity to make this type of story (yes, I did kinda make that up but I’m pretty sure it’s a thing 😅)
9 – Take your story viewers along with you when you’re sourcing items for clients
Talk through how you choose items, how you work with clients to narrow down their picks, and the ways you make their rooms unique. Don’t give away all your secrets, but let your story viewers see what it’s like to have an expert’s eye on their project.
10 – Pick 5 questions you get asked a lot and share the answers
I LOVE an FAQ moment, and here’s why: It shows that you’re thinking ahead, caring about your potential customers’ needs and concerns, and are ready to handle whatever comes up in the project. So whether you frequently get questions about investment, project timelines, how to know when the right time to work with a designer is – throw up a set of stories where you answer these (either written out, or in video form) and show off your expertise!
More Story Ideas for Interior Designers
Need even more story ideas? The best stories are the ones that are authentic and in the moment. While I absolutely plan out stories for clients – especially if we’re in a heavy launch or sale period – those off-the-cuff postings that show what you’re up to and help personalize your business page are what’s going to help build that connection. It’s not just about the services you offer or the process of working with you. Your audience also wants to know YOU. For example, my stories include a lot about my horses and margaritas. And in that way, I’ve differentiated myself from the many, many social media managers out there because everyone tells me “oh yeah, you’re that horse girl social media manager!” (actual DM I’ve gotten). People know about more than just my services + client results, and that personal connection is truly the secret sauce.
Looking for more Instagram help?
I created this ebook on the 4 Mistakes You’re Probably Making on Your Instagram just for interior designers – and the best part? It’s free. Download this and you’re well on your way to optimizing your Instagram for best results!
And if you’re looking for personalized strategy support, schedule your 90-minute strategy session for a deep dive into your business goals, the type of content you should be posting to achieve them, as well as the answers to any and every question you have about Instagram. Whatever you need, I’m here to support you 🙌🏻

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